1 The heavens declare the glory of God.
The skies display the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they continue to speak;
night after night they make him known.
3 They speak without a sound or word;
their voice is never heard.
4 Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,
and their words to all the world.
Today was such a beautiful day in Paris! It rained a little bit last night, so everything was extra green. When I finished class in the afternoon, I walked out into the street and the sun was so warm and wonderful. After doing some errands and eating lunch, I went to the park near my house. It was still sunny and lovely out. I sat on a bench, in the sunshine, and I read this Psalm. Today in Paris, a city thousands of miles away from my home, I was reminded that God is still with me and still to be praised! His "message has gone throughout the earth". The sun (and all of creation) is a constant reminder throughout the world of His love that satiates all desires and needs. The "words" of the sunlight praise God in all cultures and countries, without any barrier of language. I should do the same!
Les Photos:
This was taken from the foot bridge. The water is the Seine. If you look closely, you can see the Metro on top of the bridge... This is the metro I take to and from school each day! It's elevated in parts and underground in others, like the Red Line (only much cleaner and faster)!
Maison du Jardinage in the Parc. There is a little green house in there, and I think there's a little "learning center" in side and possibly demsontrations at certain times. I should check it out. Lovely, isn't it?
That's my shadow! The thing between the stairs that my shadow is on is actually a fountain... but it won't be turned on until later in April. The green area is part of Parc Bercy.
I don't know exactly what the deal is with this ship... but it's on the Seine. Cool, right?
This is at the top of the stairs leading to the (large) foot bridge that goes over the Seine. The building with the blue roof on the left is the Palais de Omnisports... It's a sports arena where they also have concerts. I see it everyday when I exit the Metro station.
That person in the doorway is part of a group of teenage boys playing with airsoft guns. I didn't notice them until after I'd taken this picture... It was sort of funny, but sort of scary at the same time! It reminded me of the Guffy boys and several close calls... I didn't want to get hit!!
You may be wondering, "Is that a flower volcanoe?"... Well, I'm wondering it too... who knows. Those crazy French.
Check out the French version of a garbage can in the foreground. I told you they don't like to waste... Why would do you need the plastic barrel when you can just have the plastic bag?
Les Jolies Fleurs:

Rebba. You are wonderful and inspiring and have captured everything about what travel should be. I am so happy for your day, and so happy to hear of all your experiences, and hope that all your time in Paris continues to be an expression of this.
PS. Your pictures are beautiful.
PPS. I am officially your biggest stalker.
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