According to a recent article in the Chicago Tribune: 32 percent of French people are now pro-American, up from 24 percent in 2007. (Special thanks to fact finder and friend Sofie Strohmeier for this wonderful statistic!)

I'm sure by the time I leave at least 45% of the French will be pro-American!
At dinner with my host family we often talk about cultural differences. Last night at dinner Claude told me I looked like a French girl, but ate like an American. I'm taking it as a compliment. I think he was actually referring to the fact that I eat my vegetables at the same time as my meat, not all of one and then the next.... apparently they don't do that here. But, we've also discussed different customs concerning manners, showering and electricity. The French definitely have certain conceptions about Americans. I'm doing my best to try and show them there are many types of Americans, just like there are many types of French. And yes, some Americans are wasteful and rude... but not all of us! Some of us have been members of the Clean Plate Club since we were in high-chairs and always say "please" and "thank you".
I wonder what percentage of Americans are pro-French? Probably about the same- hey, that's something we have in common!
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