I’ve packed everything into my suitcase(s), set my alarm for 6:00 AM and crawled under my covers for the last time in Paris. Unless I get up for some water, then I’ll get to crawl under my covers in Paris one more time. It’s hard to believe it’s over. In the last week or so, I’ve taken my finals and done a lot of touristy things. I took a boat ride on the Seine, a tour of Notre Dame, rode roller coasters at EuroDisneyland, ate a picnic dinner at Montmartre and went to the top of the Eiffel Tower. The last couple of days I spent some time wandering around my favorite neighborhoods, just trying to soak it all in before I leave. I know this city now, and it’s a great feeling. I don’t have to look at the Metro map every time I go somewhere. I still get lost on the streets, but I don’t pull out a map every time. I have favorite spots to sit and read, and I know where to get the most delicious chocolate macaroons. I have lived here. But, it’s over now. The next time I come to Paris it will have changed. I will never know it like I do now. I will never have an opportunity like this one again. It has been such a great experience. I’ve learned a lot about the language and the culture, and as cheesy as it sounds, about myself too. I’m a little bit more confident, not so easily intimidated by uncomfortable situations. My entire life was an uncomfortable situation for three months. I can handle it. I can even enjoy it. I want to go outside my comfort zone more often. I want to be more intentional about it. I want to live in different cities, travel more and learn more about the world. Most importantly, through this experience God has shown me yet another reason to put all my trust in Him and only Him. He completely provided for me, as always. He’s patient, loving and faithful even when I’m not. He is all I need.
I meet my wonderful mother at the airport at 7:30 tomorrow morning, and at noon our plane leaves for Venice, Italy! We will be in Italy for two weeks, and then… HOME! I will continue to post pictures. It will probably take me until August to get them all up…
Here’s the link for the photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/petitechou87
Thank you for your interest, thoughts and prayers. I’ve enjoyed writing this, and hopefully you’ve enjoyed reading it. I might write a little in Italy, but our internet access won’t be as consistent. Also, I think half of my readership will be there with me.